Find out more about the background of the platform
Digi Buddy is a digital platform that supports Higher Education Institutions finding institutional partners for peer learning and assists in their collaboration and capacity building during institutional transformation with evidence-based tools.
Thus, it is a process-oriented and interactive tool to support the HEI’s transformation and capacity building, providing support in areas linked to the dimensions that currently are addressed by HEInnovate.
HEInnovate is a self-reflection tool for Higher Education Institutions who wish to explore their innovative potential. It guides you through a process of identification, prioritisation and action planning in eight key areas. The self-assessment is available in all EU languages.
HEInnovate diagnoses areas of strengths and weaknesses, opens up discussion and debate on the entrepreneurial/innovative nature of your institution and it allows you to compare and contrast evolution over time.
BeyondScale is one of the Forward-looking projects to create a pan-European community of practice, that share, and document emerging good practices of partner higher education institutions based on their entrepreneurial transformation. One of the main assets of the BeyondScale project is the Buddy System, in which partners engage in peer-learning, exchanging experiences, and discussing plans.
Within the BeyondScale project, the HEInnovate tool is deployed beyond its self-assessment capacity through a structured workshop format, known as Value Proposition Workshop Design. The HEInnovate dimensions are used to drive entrepreneurial and innovative change across a range of inbound and outbound education and engagement activities in higher education institutions (HEIs) with relevant stakeholders.